Nightside with Dan Rea - Rundown for December 18, 2019

The Impeachment Vote. The House impeachment vote is underway. The Democratic leadership says the votes are there to pass the impeachment articles and have told caucus members not to cheer or applaud when the vote totals are announced. Democrats claim they have a duty to impeach in order to maintain the integrity of the executive office. Defenders of the President say the left have plotted and planned for his removal since his inauguration. Is this a good or bad day?

Legalized Prostitution? Massachusetts Congresswoman Rep. Ayanna Pressley wants to decriminalize prostitution. It is one of the proposals included in Pressley’s “The People’s Justice Guarantee.”Boston Mayor Marty Walsh says this is a bad idea that could have “deep impacts” on local efforts to end human trafficking and could “allow the people who are soliciting sex to get off scot-free.” Do you support legalized prostitution?

Is the Transportation Climate Initiative Just Another Name for Gas Tax? Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker has signaled his support for TCI, a proposal to curb car emissions by increasing gas prices by as much as 17 cents a gallon by levying fees on fuel companies that would be passed on to drivers. New Hampshire has already rejected the idea as did Massachusetts voters 5 years ago? Is this just another attempt to slide a gas tax past the voters?

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