Nightside with Dan Rea - Rundown for September 28, 2020

Judge Amy Coney Barrett Goes to Washington. This weekend the President nominated 7th Circuit Appeals Court Judge Amy Coney Barrett to fill the Supreme Court seat vacated by the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Liberals immediately went on high alert claiming the judge would be unable to separate her faith from the law, would shoot down the Affordable Care Act, and if confirmed should recuse herself from any decisions regarding the general election. Do you think Judge Barrett was a good choice?

The Tax Man Cometh... The New York Times is reporting that President Trump, a multi-billionaire, paid only $750 in federal income taxes in 2016, the year he was elected president. The President says: "this is totally fake news." The paper does not allege any wrongdoing and does confirm he has been under audit for 10 years. Does it bother you that the President took advantage of every legal loophole available in filing his tax returns?

Get Ready to Rumble! The big presidential debate between President Trump and former Vice-President Joe Biden is less than 24 hours away. Both sides are posturing that their candidate will wipe the floor with the opposition. Will tough questions be distributed equally, or do you think one candidate will get all the tough questions? Who do you think will win?

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