A New Law In Quincy Would Ban Airbnb And Other Short-Term Rentals

QUINCY, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Quincy has approved a new set of laws that could potentially ban short-term rentals like Airbnb in Residential A neighborhoods.

In the latest draft, the new laws would require short-term rentals to be owner-occupied, include a parking spot to the renter and be inspected and registered by city departments.

Ward 4 Councilor Brian Palmucci said there are 211 active short-term rentals in Quincy, but only 130 of those are registered by the city.

The Quincy City Council has been considering putting these laws in place since October of 2020, after two councilors complained about allegedly having many issues with Airbnb and other short-term listing platforms in their wards.

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But Councilor Palmucci said he doesn’t think the city should shut down short-term listings as a whole, because it would be redundant with state laws already set in place.

According to current law, listings that are not registered are violations, and can be shut down with or without any new regulations.

Palmucci said that people who “register and do what they’re supposed to do" are not the area of concern for the council.

He added that especially during the pandemic, he is unsure about voting on legislation that could “cost someone their livelihoods” as a landlord or rental property owner.

The latest draft has been approved by the ordinance committee, but still needs to be voted on by the full city council and Mayor Thomas P. Koch.

Written by Edyn Jensen

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