Kaufman: Expect Red Sox To Fire Alex Cora

Alex Cora boston red sox manager

Alex Cora. (Getty Images)

BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Red Sox Manager Alex Cora was asked by WBZ-TV in September about ownership's desire to trim payroll this offseason to get under baseball's luxury tax threshold.

"There's different rules, and we have to play by them, but we should be okay," Cora said.

Unfortunately, playing by the rules doesn't seem to be a strength for Cora. His days appear to be numbered as Red Sox skipper.

It's remarkable, after a team-record 119 total wins, and a championship in his first year in Boston in 2018.

That has been followed by a post season-less second season, and an alleged cheating scandal he reportedly coordinated after masterminding Houston's sign-sealing scheme, which helped the Astros to a World Series Championship in 2017, when Cora was Bench Coach.

Astros Fire Managers In Cheating Scandal; Cora, Red Sox Await Punishment - Thumbnail Image

Astros Fire Managers In Cheating Scandal; Cora, Red Sox Await Punishment

Expect at least a year-long ban for Cora when commissioner Rob Manfred rules on the Sox misconduct—and more than likely, he'll lose his job.

New Red Sox Chief Baseball Officer Chaim Bloom has been bargain-shopping for the roster, and contemplating whether to trade Mookie Betts or David Price.

Spring training starts next month. Time to find a new manager.

WBZ NewsRadio's Adam Kaufman (@AdamMKaufman) reports

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