Average Positive COVID-19 Test Rate Declines In Massachusetts

BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — The Massachusetts Department of Public Health has reported another 320 confirmed cases of COVID-19, bringing the state't total number of confirmed cases to 112,173.

The state DPH also reported 12 additional deaths attributed to the virus, upping the state's confirmed COVID-related death toll to 8,500.

The DPH has also reported more than 8,500 probable cases of COVID-19, and 221 deaths linked to probable cases of the virus.

Nearly 25,000 residents or healthcare workers at long-term care facilities in the Commonwealth have had probable or confirmed cases of COVID-19.

After a slight uptick, the state's seven-day weighted average rate of positive molecular tests has dropped back down to 1.8 percent for the first time in three weeks.

According to Johns Hopkins University's Coronavirus Resource Center, the U.S. has surpassed 4.98 million cases of COVID-19 and more than 161,000 Americans have died of the virus in around five months.

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