Bon Appétit Magazine Names Rubato One Of The Best New Restaurants Of 2023

Photo: Kim Tunnicliffe/WBZ NewsRadio

QUINCY, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — A Hong Kong inspired café in Quincy has only been open for a year, but the hype is real.

Rubato was one of 24 restaurants featured in Bon Appetite Magazine’s Best New Restaurants of 2023. Owner Laurence Louie was very excited to have his mom-and-pop shop featured in the magazine.

“We’re just grateful to be on such a big stage and to be included in all of this, being seen and celebrated,” said Louie.

One of the menu items that helped Rubato get selected was their buttery bolo baos with a sweet, thin cookie topping.

Customers can order plain bolo baos, or take them to the next level with either fried chicken, pulled pork, or spam.

Rubato has a menu filled with lots more delicious food, so head to Quincy before the lines get any longer.

WBZ’s Kim Tunnicliffe (@KimWBZ) reports.

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