Boston Public Schools Admits Error In Calculating Some Students' GPA

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BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Boston Public Schools is admitting to an error that caused some students to receive incorrect grade point averages.

As a result, some of the affected students missed out on exam school invitations, while others were admitted to schools when they should not have been; a total of 152 students were impacted.

The error occurred when Boston Public Schools switched to a new student database in December 2018.

"We had our enrollment office that had traditionally been doing the calculations into the data system," said BPS Superintendent Brenda Cassellius, "and when the data system was switched, that conversion didn't happen from one office to the next office."

BPS will offer students enrollment into the exam school for which they are eligible to attend; students who were mistakenly accepted into schools they should not have been will be allowed to stay.

WBZ's Karyn Regal (@Karynregal) reports

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