Coast Guard Searches Off Nauset Beach For Missing Plane

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ORLEANS, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — The Coast Guard scoured the coast off of Nauset Beach in Orleans on Monday morning after a plane that was set to land in Chatham never showed. The plane, a small single-engine propeller plane, a Piper 28, had been due to land in Chatham on Sunday night. Teams had searched the coast overnight.

The Coast Guard was first notified that something had gone wrong at around 10:30 PM on Sunday. The single-engine plane was carrying one man aboard.

Two Coast Guard Cutters, a search-and-rescue plane, and additional, smaller boats were all searching the coast Sunday morning for a sign of the missing plane, as were harbormasters from Harwich, Chatham, and Orleans.

According to Coast Guard Petty Officer Ryan Noel, the weather is cooperating:

"When I talked to Command Center, they told me conditions are very favorable...visibility is about seven miles out there right now," he said.

WBZ's Drew Moholland (@DrewWBZ) has more:

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