Malden Protestors Stand Against Storming Of The U.S. Capitol

MALDEN, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Dozens of people showed up outside Malden City Hall Sunday afternoon to demonstrate against last week’s storming of the U.S. Capitol. by supporters of President Trump.

The Malden rally was organized by a group called Our Revolution Malden. There was no music or chanting, but the message was loud and clear.

"Trump, Pence, out now!" a speaker said to applause from the crowd Sunday.

"We're here to reject the coup," one attendee told WBZ NewsRadio. "We have local nazis in our midst."

Several local organizers spoke at the demonstration Sunday, including Carey McDonald of Malden Police Alternatives and Accountability and Mai Du of the Greater Malden Asian American Community Coalition.

Organizer Anna Geoffroy told WBZ NewsRadio what happened in Washington D.C. on Wednesday could not have happened without regional organizers.

"People ... have been working for years working on radicalizing people," she said, "making them feel like it's OK to spew nazi rhetoric in public."

On Facebook the group called the mob's occupation of the U.S. Capitol "a tragically historic occurrence."

"All summer long, we witnessed as the largest racial justice protests in history were met with the fist of police brutality," the group said. "Now, we see that a group of insurrectionists are met with minimal police presence while breaking into our nation's Capitol to interfere with the results of an election they lost."

There was one counter protestor, Renee, who was holding a "Don’t Tread On Me" flag, and was there to protest what she called "a stolen election."

"Joe Biden had like 8 to 10 people coming to his rallies, and he was always in his basement," Renee said. "And with Trump's rallies, there were always thousands of people there."

Renee said she was disappointed no other counter protestors showed up, and she didn’t stay long.

WBZ NewsRadio's Suzanne Sausville reports:

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Written by Brit Smith

(Photo: Suzanne Sausville/Twitter)

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