Meet The Boston Restaurateur Taking Care Of His Employees During COVID-19

BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — While thousands of restaurant workers have been hit hard by COVID-19, the owner of several Boston restaurants has been making sure all his employees are taken care of during the pandemic.

Restaurateur Jack Huang is the owner of Douzo Modern Japanese Restaurant, Sushi Moment, and Shabumaru to name a few.

Many of Huang's 85 employees have worked for him for decades, and he said he considers them part of his family.

"Our principle is that it's employees first, then customers, and then ownership," he said. "I don't think a profit is the most important thing."

Huang has used $270,000 in stimulus money and profits from dine-in and takeout during the pandemic to pay all his employees' salary and health insurance costs.

"We pick up all the medical insurance, and dental insurance," Huang told WBZ NewsRadio. "So instead of them paying 50 percent, we pick up the whole entire tab."

On top of paying 100 percent of his employees' salaries and healthcare bills, Huang has also provided them all with personal protective equipment, and he paid for ride sharing companies or taxis to get them to and from work during the initial lockdown in March.

WBZ NewsRadio's Suzanne Sausville reports:

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Written by Brit Smith

(Photo: Suzanne Sausville/Twitter)

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